LEAP 2008 has ended and I am back home. Dik Bijl and all people involved in organizing this event have done an excellent job. It was an exciting trip to Redmond and great environment to extend my network and learn new interesting things like Volta, hear from concepts like ‘New World of Work’ and today’s technology like OBA’s.
I brought home some interesting literature like:
A whole new mind from Daniel Pink
We are smarter than Me from Barry Libert, Jon Spector and a lot of contributers
And I ordered some more:
The world is flat by Thomas Friedman
The Change Function by Pip Coburn
Wikinomics by Don Tapscott
So now I have something to read and a chance to sharpen my views on web 2.0 concepts/technology, future, and way to do business.
The Last day before I went home some of LEAP goers and I went for a trip to Snoqualmie Falls and Mt Rainier. We (I, Michel, Victor, Ronald, Willem and Linma) had a lot of fun and drove around in a big white SUV Chevrolet Tahoe. LEAP 2008 was a tremendous experience.