Second day LEAP 2008 in Redmond on Microsoft Campus inside their Conference Center. It kicked off with Dan Rasmus, director of Information Work Vision about ‘The new World of Work’. He is a futurist and you will information about his on windows live. His session went into four central themes; One world of business, Always on, always connected, transparent organizations, and workforce evolution. Book one might like read around the subject is Daniel Pink’s ‘A whole new mind’. I am not going to delve into the themes here, because that will lead to a very lengthy post. So there I suggest to visit Dan’s live space or get Daniel pink’s book. Another thing to look at is people ready info at Microsoft.
Next session Kim Cameron Architect of Identity with ‘Why claims will change everything’. He is an authority on identity at Microsoft and in the world. His talk about identity is comparable of one I found on the internet. Kim did a inspiring talk and makes one think about identity. If you browse on the internet more can be found if you search on ‘Why claims will change everything’. For me it gave me more background knowledge about Cardspace too and looking back to a presentation given by Erik van de Ven during DevDays 2007. Here you see Willem Boere having a discussion with Kim about what makes a human unique, since it can have more roles (or faces). Rest of the day you will find in my next post.
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