Last couple of weeks I beefed up my connections in LinkedIn. I hooked up with a lot of old colleagues, friends and new people sharing same interest as me in SOA, BizTalk, .NET, networking and so on. Some of them also have blogs around these subjects like Nilay Parikh, Dick Dijkstra, Wouter Goedvriend, James McGorvern and Erik Westermann.
Having a large social network one can share ideas, insights, referrals etcetera. Interactivity achieved through social networking is new for me and probably for lot of linkedin users. I find it a great tool to connect to people I know or not know personally and share my interests, ideas and so on with. Other great features of linked are the ability to ask questions in general al linkedin user can answer or look at answers people one knows have given. Joining groups is another feature I like; one can join a group of interest like SOA interest group and hookup with people who are also member directly or through introduction. I must say if you are not using it yet, try it out or ask people you know if they like it. There are also familiar tools present like Plaxo, XING and Ryze. Also have a look at wikipedia to have get some background information about Social Networking and Social Software