In light of announcement of BizTalk Server 2009 I started reading a book called C# in depth. Why? Well new version of BizTalk will support Hyper-V, Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5, SQL 2008 and Windows Server 2008. This book is designed to bring you to a new level of programming skill, which dives deeply into key C# topics—in particular the new ones. By reading this book I hope to learn to reuse algorithms in a type-safe way with C# 2 generics and expand the functionality of existing classes and interfaces using C# 3 extension methods. The author Jon Skeet gives easy-to-follow explanations and snappy, pragmatic examples (that’s what the site of manning press mentioned about the book). I also downloaded and installed VS 2008 C# Express Edition directly on my Vista OS (so now virtualization this time) to try out some samples. Beside’s .NET 3.5 and C# I will have to look for some good books around SQL 2008 and Windows Server 2008 (Hyper-V). I hope by doing this trip into reading and understanding I will be ready for BizTalk 2009 CTP that will come in next couple of months. I tell you that I like this particular book, it is well written and reads easily. Every book I read from Manning so far has been an excellent read. Suggested reads for books about other topics I mentioned are welcome.
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