David Chappell did a talk about Windows Azure Services Platform today at Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC) in Barneveld (not according to his schedule). In stead of travelling thousands of miles in a plane to see/hear him talk, I now could step into my car drive a couple of miles (I live in Ede, which is nearby). His talk is centered around Azure Service Platform whitepaper he wrote recently and held for LEAP alumni, ones attending LEAP before and ones attending it now led by Serge van Schie from Microsoft. I ran into an old colleague Christian Siegers; we both used to work for Atos Origin and he is a very good BizTalk pro. Also talked with Robert-Jan from Logica, who I spend a lot of time with during PDC in LA (check out his blog!).
This cloud computing is going to be huge. After mainframe’s (in 60’s), Mini-computers (70’s), Personal Computer (80’s), Servers (90’s), Device’s (mobile and so on, now) we will have 6th platform now ‘The Cloud’ ; that is just in 50 years time, amazing! This was a comment David made at the end of the talk. I too think we are in the early days of a new revolution in computing. I do not think as some people might do, that everything is going to the cloud. There are and will be scenario’s where cloud computing will not be answer or solution; banking for instance where there has to be for instance a lot of trust. Still I dare to say that a lot will go into the cloud and that is where we are heading in the near future. Believe it or not.
Technorati:Microsoft Azure
Cloud Computing