Thanks to Richard Seroter I stumbled on the Service Architecture Pocket Guide, which provides an overview and prescriptive guidance for designing services on the .NET platform.
The guide contains the following chapters and resources:
• Chapter 1, "Service Architecture," provides general design guidelines for a service application, explains the key attributes, discusses the use of layers, provides guidelines for performance, security, and deployment, and lists the key patterns and technology considerations.
• Chapter 2, "Designing Services,” helps you to understand the key scenarios for designing services including scenarios for both service providers and service consumers. Use these scenarios to help you better understand how to design your service architecture.
• Chapter 3, "Service Layer Guidelines,” helps you to understand how the service layer fits into the typical application architecture, learn about the components of the service layer, learn how to design these components, and understand common issues faced when designing a service layer. It also contains key guidelines for designing a service layer, and lists the key patterns and technology considerations.
• Chapter 4, "Communication Guidelines,” helps you to learn the guidelines for designing a communication approach, and understand the ways in which components communicate
with each other. It will also help you to learn the interoperability, performance, and security considerations for choosing a communication approach, and the communication technology choices available.
Reason authors wrote the guide is to basically help you design more effective architectures on the .NET platform, choose the right technologies, make more effective choices for key engineering decisions, map appropriate strategies and patterns and relevant patterns & practices solution assets.