In previous post I yesterday I wrote that new BizTalk 2010 exam is out. And you may figure how to prepare as in preparation material nothing is mentioned.Let’s look at what skills are measured. In a nutshell these topics are:
- Configuring messaging architecture (setup, manage ports, configure adapters, implement messaging solutions);
- Developing BizTalk Artefacts (building orchestrations, create schema’s, maps and pipelines);
- Debugging and Exception Handling (debug orchestrations, validate and test artefacts like schema’s, maps, pipelines);
- Integrating Web Services and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services (WCF Adapters);
- Implementing Extended Capabilities (this is the BAM, BRE, RFID and EDI part);
- Deploying, Tracking, and Supporting a BizTalk Solution (Installation in different kinds of scenario’s, deployment of applications, bindings).
You can find a lot of resources that can help in preparation through BizTalk Development Center like the BizTalk tutorials for EAI and EDI. These tutorials can beneficial for preparing on topics Messaging architecture and extended capabilities. There are more video’s and webcasts found here. Another great set of materials to use of preparation are BizTalk Server 2010 Training Kit you can download.To be able to use these materials you will need a BizTalk environment, developer edition can be downloaded for free using documentation to be able to set up an environment. You might have to get OS, database and so on (dependencies for BizTalk) either through MSDN or by downloading evaluation editions. If you need training you could go to local training center to follow a course or go for online training through quicklearn (with possible of sample/demo training for BizTalk Server 2010). For BizTalk 2010 RFID there are also tutorials available. Finally you could browse internet and find recent posts on BizTalk Server 2010, WCF, EDI, etcetera. You will need some time depending on your skill and experience to prepare for this exam. If you do I wish you success and perhaps these links can be useful in your preparation.
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