The BizTalk community series blog posts have been running for a number of months now. Since January I have introduced 20 BizTalk community members. Yet there are a still more stories to follow the next couple of months. There are a lot of IT professionals around the world dedicated towards BizTalk. Many of them contribute to community through blogs, forums, wiki’s, articles, books and giving presentations.
The people I interviewed and talked to for these series are representatives of the BizTalk community. They are committed to BizTalk and to its community by providing their knowledge and experience through channels I just mentioned. Today I have another story for you on an enthusiastic BizTalk professional from India: Ritu Raj.
Ritu is 27 years old engineer working in the IT industry for the last 5 years. He is currently
based out of Pune, Maharastra, India. After graduating Ritu started working with BizTalk at KEANE as a Software Engineer. He then moved on to work with CompuGain and Mahindra Satyam as a Senior Engineer working on BizTalk 2009 and 2010. Having worked with Microsoft for a relatively short period, Ritu moved on to join “Syncada from VISA” as a Senior Developer/Architect using his experience and expertise on BizTalk to develop and design solutions.
Ritu is a dedicated follower of the TechNet wiki and tries to help on the BizTalk forums. In past he has made a few blog posts. He is a core developer through out and that is what he loves doing.
“Developing is what I am best at. I have been actively working on architecting solutions on BizTalk and related technology.”
Ritu’s view on BizTalk is as follows:
“For me BizTalk is the best tool available in market for bizness (read Business) talking. BizTalk with the evolution of technology and science is remarkable. I think myself to be a privileged to see this transition and working with the same. BizTalk has adapted itself within the moving technology space. It has been growing more robust and reliable with every new release.”
Ritu loves spending time with his loved ones and friends. He likes reading articles on new trends in technology. Besides that he loves soft music, action and historic movies.
Like many fellow Indian (BizTalk) professionals Ritu is a cricket fan and loves playing it in his free time. He is a hard core Indian Cricket team fan and likes to see the England team win, if India is not the opponent. Besides criket he follows lawn tennis and Roger Federer is his all time favorite sports person.
A final comment from Ritu and expressing his appreciation for these series:
“Also, a big thanks to Steef-Jan for featuring me on introducing series and starting such a great initiative to bring BizTalk community closer and closer by each day. I would like to thank you for all the great posts and work you have done towards helping out the community.”
Thanks Ritu for your time and contributions so far, keep it up.