Logic Apps solution for Log Analytics (OMS) strengthens Microsoft iPaaS monitoring capability in Azure

Posted: August 12, 2017  |  Categories: iPaaS Microsoft Azure Monitoring

Microsoft Pro Integration Product Group showcased some mockup screens for a Logic Apps solution for Log Analysis during Integrate 2017 at the end of June in London. Jon Fancey talked during his presentation Enterprise Integration with Logic Apps about providing cross Logic App monitoring experience in Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS). Now less than two months later a preview release of the solution is available. End users of Logic App can monitor their Logic App using OMS and choose Logic Apps Management (Preview) from the Solutions Gallery.

OMS Workspace

OMS Workspace can be created through the Azure Portal by searching for Log Analytics in Monitoring + Management section. Click Create, specify details and hit OK. You OMS Workspace will be deployed. Once that process is complete you will have access to your Azure Log Analytics. You’ll receive an email in your mailbox welcoming you as a user. Since Azure Log Analytics has been recently enhanced you will asked to upgrade and I recommended you do, see also the recent announcement!

In Azure Log Analytics you can access the OMS Portal (Workspace). Within that workspace, which is empty initially you can select solution gallery. Now you will see the all the available solutions including the Logic App Management (Preview). Select it and click Add. Presto the solution will be available for you (you might need to click refresh in the overview section). If you click on the Logic Apps Management (Preview) you’ll not see much. Therefore, lets hook up some Logic Apps.

Configure Logic App for Diagnostics

Each Logic App you create has to be configured with Log Analytics and an OMS Workspace assigned to it. Hence, once you create a Logic App you enable Log Analytics and specify the OMS Workspace. Or when a Logic App is already created you navigate in the blade of the Logic App to Diagnostics Log and turn on Diagnostics. And once you have done that you further configure the settings by selecting “Send to Log Analytics”, click configure and select the OMS Workspace. Furthermore, you check in Log part, the WorkflowRuntime and Metric. All done hit the save button.

It may take awhile before you’ll start seeing data in OMS. At least I had to wait a bit, however this may due to the fact that I used US Data Center instead of a European one.

Now that there is data, click on the solution and by further click on for instance succeeded runs I can examine runs as depicted in the picture below.

Call to Action

Now Monitoring and Diagnostics for Logic Apps are not new. The Logic Apps Management solution is a mere useful addition to other Logic App diagnostics and monitoring features. You can monitor status, set up diagnostics settings, which I touch upon a bit in this blog, and turn on alerts. The following resources can help you in exploring monitoring and diagnostics for Logic Apps:

Now, these resources focus primarily on monitoring/diagnostics for Logic Apps in general and not B2B messaging leveraging Logic Apps. However, you can find these two in the proximity of the first two resource links.

An essential feature for iPaaS is “presence of integration management & monitoring features” according to cloud based integration Wiki article. At least Gartner believes that it’s essential. This means that Logic Apps has that essential capability, which again confirms that it is a true iPaaS capability in Azure!

If you click on the Logic Apps Management (Preview) you’ll not see much. Therefore, let’s hook up some Logic Apps.

#1 Azure Monitoring Platform
Author: Steef-Jan Wiggers

Steef-Jan Wiggers is all in on Microsoft Azure, Integration, and Data Science. He has over 15 years’ experience in a wide variety of scenarios such as custom .NET solution development, overseeing large enterprise integrations, building web services, managing projects, designing web services, experimenting with data, SQL Server database administration, and consulting. Steef-Jan loves challenges in the Microsoft playing field combining it with his domain knowledge in energy, utility, banking, insurance, healthcare, agriculture, (local) government, bio-sciences, retail, travel, and logistics. He is very active in the community as a blogger, TechNet Wiki author, book author, and global public speaker. For these efforts, Microsoft has recognized him a Microsoft MVP for the past 8 years.


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